From CCRMA Wiki
Chucku, haiku in ChucK
- like a haiku, a chucku should contain exactly 3 lines of code (each less than 80 characters)
- each chucku should generate sound
- 5/7/5 pattern optional, but try to make the code "pretty"
- check out one line chuck crazy to see similarly compact examples
- the chucku's should be standalone (i.e., no external audio or chuck files)
Little Pieces of Glass - Chris Warren
SqrOsc a => JCRev b => Chorus c => dac => Delay d => a; .17 => b.mix;
while (1) { Std.rand2( 160, 7100 ) => a.freq => float e;
2 => a.sync; e * .000062 => c.modFreq; e * .4::samp => d.delay => now;}
Saturnine - Chris Warren
SawOsc a [100];
while (1) { for ( int i; i < 100; i++ ) {Std.rand2f ( 90, 1600 ) => a[i].freq;
a[i] => dac; .3 => a[i].gain; Std.rand2f( .04, .1 )::second => now;}}