Pre Laptop Orchestra/People
Brave People
- Ge Wang (fear-filled and yet undeterred leader)
- Diana Siwiak (the instigator of Pre-Laptop Orchestra)
- Reed Anderson
- Steinunn Arnardottir
- Brett Ascarelli
- Mark Branscom
- Nick Bryan
- H-dizzle Bursk
- Baek San Chang
- Jeff Cooper
- Luke Dahl
- Lawrence Fyfe
- Gina Gu
- Rob Hamilton
- Ethan Hartman
- Yungshen Hsiao
- Turner Kirk
- Adnan Marquez-Borbon
- Jason Riggs
- Kyle Spratt
- Hiroko Terasawa
- Cobi van Tonder
- Chris Warren
- (add your self!)
sign up for your areas of interests and preferred duties, or add new ones below.
SLOrk powered hemispherical speaker design + prototyping
(prototyping, building, testing, everything)
- Nick
- Chris
- Ethan
- Ge
- ?
Linux compatibility research
(audio interfaces? pricing? drivers?)
- Ethan
- Nando?
- ?
SLOrk Station Design + Assembly
(how everything fits together, what is needed: speaker + rack? + computer + pillow + mat + power + formation + lapinator + ???)
- Ge
- ?
(once we decide on a prototype, how to transport everything as an ensemble? carts? what types of cases?)
- ?
Large-scale speakers fabrication
(once we decide on a prototype, it will be time to mass produce)
- ?
(someone might want to chronicle the adventures of this pre-laptop orchestra, audio, video, images, text? Brett? others?)
- ?