Homework #2: Cells, Automata, Music
Due date: 2008.2.22 11:59:59pm (or thereabout), Friday.
- in this and the next 220b assignment, you have the option of officially working in a duo
- you can still go "maverick" (i.e., solo)
- if you work as duo, each person has to turn in her/his version of this homework (or alternatively credit two sets of deliverables to the same group)
- have fun!
Reading (part 0 of 3):
- recall the article on cellular automaton
- check out Von Kempelen's Speaking Machine and The Turk
- ruminate about these devices
- craft a short essay/haiku/image/program about the relationship of The Turk to the concept of a Turing test.
Specification (part 1 of 3):
Downloadin' and Compilin'
- download the calories software here : version 1.0.0 (updates will be announced to class mailing list)
- unpack it (somewhere):
tar xvzf calories-x.x.x.tgz
- go into the calories-x.x.x folder
- inside the extracted 'calories' folder, you should see 3 sub-folders:
- ctrl: folder containing example chuck code to control visualization
- gfx: c++ code for the visualizer
- ca.h: header file for CA's (implement new CA classes here)
- ca.cpp: implementation for things defined in ca.h (implement rules for new CA classes here)
- calories.cpp: monolithic disaster source file that contains visualization + instantiation of CA to be used
- sound: code that receives OSC messages from calories to generate sound (can also use control)
- go into the gfx folder:
cd gfx
- compile it
- for example on linux:
make linux
- on OS X:
make osx
- windows is currently not supported
- if all goes well, you should end up with no errors, and a new 'calories' executable in the folder
- invoke calories with the '--help' flag to see the command line options:
./calories --help usage: calories --[options] [options] xyz:<N>|xy:<N>|x:<N>|y:<N>|z:<N> for example, to create a 16x16x16 cellular automaton, invoke: calores -xyz:16 calories version: 1.0.0
- for example, if you want a 2D, 16x16 cellular automaton:
./calories -xy:16
- for example, if you want a 3D, 32x32x32 cellular automaton:
./calories -xyz:32
- if you look at the terminal after you run calories, or if you press 'h' while calories is in focus, you can see the real-time key commands:
---------------------------------------------------- 'h' - print this help message '0' - clear the cellular automaton [1-9] - randomize the automaton with various density 'n' - compute next generation 'N' - compute next generation + send all cells (use with care!) 'M' - send all cells only (use with care!) 'a' - toggle automatic evolution '[' and ']' - rotate automaton '-' and '+' - zoom away/closer to center of automaton 'f' - toggle fog rendering (recommended) '<' and '>' - adjust fog density 's' - toggle fullscreen 'r' - toggle wireframe rendering 'q' - quit ----------------------------------------------------
Specification (part 2 of 3)
Specification (part 3 of 3):
turn in all files by putting them in your Library/Web/220b/hw2/ directory, and then linking to them from your Library/Web/220b/hw2.html
- 1)
- 2) a short README text (readme.txt) file that:
- conveys your ideas/comments in constructing each program
- contains instructions on running your programs
- describes any difficulties you encountered in the process
- 3) your hw2.html should link to these files (optionally, you can include your README in your hw2html)