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Stanford Laptop Orchestra | Spring 2008 class wiki


Schedule of events

  • (optional) April 23rd, 2008, Wednesday 7:30pm, CCRMA classroom: ChucK tutorial (part 2)
  • April 24th, 2008, Thursday 5:30pm, CCRMA Stage: Rehearsal for upcoming concerts
  • (optional) April 25th, 2008, Friday noon, meet at CCRMA: Admits Weekend Guerilla mini-concert
  • April 26th, 2008, Saturday 11am, meet at CCRMA: load up and go to Sculpture Garden for concert
  • April 28th, 2008, Monday noon-4pm, Dink: rehearsal for Pacific Rim-of-Wire concert
  • April 29th, 2008, Tuesday 5:30pm, Dink: dress/tech rehearsal for 8pm concert!
  • (optional) April 30th, 2008, Wednesday 7:30pm, CCRMA classroom: ChucK tutorial (part 3)
  • (optional) May 1st, 2008, Thursday 7:30pm, Bay Area Music Technology Meetup @ CCRMA, SLOrk mini-concert
  • May 2nd, 2008, Friday, Homework 1 milestone A due
  • (optional) May 3rd + May 4th, 2008, Saturday + Sunday, Maker Faire!

Sign-up sheets

Homework Assignments

Scheduled tutorial sessions (optional)

  • April 23rd, 2008, Wednesday 7:30pm : ChucK tutorial part 2, location: classroom
  • April 16th, 2008, Wednesday 7:30pm : Introduction to ChucK, location: classroom
  • April 4nd, 2008, Friday 1pm : commence final countdown #3 (continue to finish building the ensemble), location: MaxLab
  • April 2nd, 2008, Wednesday 2pm : commence final countdown #2 (finish building the ensemble), location: MaxLab