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Soundcards at CCRMA

All Linux workstations at CCRMA are equipped with high quality soundcards. There are currently three different models of soundcards in use.

OmniStudio 66

This card from Midiman is regretfully discontinued (http://www.synthman.com/midiman/114160.html). A basic 6 channel 24bit 96 KHz capable PCI soundcard (the Midiman Delta 66 without its line level breakout box - http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/Delta66.html) is combined with a more complete breakout box and small mixer (the Midiman OmniI/O) to provide a lot of flexibility.

This is most prevalent soundcard, almost all machines have one of these. The breakout box has two front panel line level or mic level inputs with volumen and pad controls, effects send for all four channels, one hard wired headphone and one headphone jack (with independent levels) and one master monitor volume that controls the main stereo output.

The internal configuration is accessed through the "envy24control" control panel which works in pretty much the same way as the control panels for Windows and MacOSX. To start envy24control it go to the "Applications" menu, then "Sound and Video" and select "Envy24 Control" (envy24 is the code name of the ice1712 chipset on which the soundcard is based).

Echo Gina3G

Not that many workstations have this card (CCARH area and Grad student mini-cluster in the third floor). The Gina3G (http://www.echoaudio.com/Products/PCI/Gina3G/index.php) is a PCI interface plus a breakout box. The breakout box front panel has two line/mic front inputs and a headphone output with level control. The back panel (http://www.echoaudio.com/Products/PCI/Gina3G/gina3g_both_big.jpg) has six line level outputs, MIDI i/o, coaxial SPD/IF i/o and optical SPD/IF or ADAT i/o connectors.

Level and configuration is accessed through the "echomixer" control panel. To start echomixer go to the "Applications" menu, then "Sound and Video" and select "Echomixer".

RME Hammefall