PID Links

From CCRMA Wiki
Revision as of 22:35, 18 June 2009 by Eberdahl (Talk | contribs) (Pd (Pure Data))

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See the demo patches in the examples folder that comes with Max.

Cycling '74 develops Max/MSP/Jitter.

Database of all sorts of objects and externals that you can get for Max/MSP/Jitter.

Pd (Pure Data)

Pd Extended Installers (Pd with a large collection of externals)

Miller Puckette's homepage.

Pd Mailing List archive.

Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music, Miller Puckette's book. Pd Community Site. Official Pd Documentation Pd Repertory Project; Patches that can run selected pieces of the live electronic music repertory using Pd


Relevant CCRMA Courses

Music 250A: CCRMA's course that teaches PID Workshop topics and more during an academic term.

  • Labs some of which may be similar to what we'll do this summer

Other Projects

CCRMA 250A Projects


New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference proceedings

Websites and Blogs
