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MIR workshop 2009/Participants

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Luke Dahl (MST '07, current Ph.D. @ CCRMA): lukedahl@ccrma.stanford.edu

Mike Gao (MST '09, current Ph.D. @ UCSD): mikegao@ccrma.stanford.edu

Craig Hanson (MST '09, soon to be at iZotope): chanson9@ccrma.stanford.edu

Jorge Herrera (MST '09, current Ph.D. @ CCRMA): jorgeh@ccrma.stanford.edu

Denis Lebel (Previously Soft. Eng. @ Digidesign + M.A. Music Tech @ McGill. Soon to be.. awesome?): denis.lebel@gmail.com

Sang Won Lee (MS expected in '10 @ MS&E, Stanford): panavrin@gmail.com

Gautham Mysore (current Ph.D. @ CCRMA): gautham@ccrma.stanford.edu

Jeremy Sawruk (MFA '05 UNC Arts, currently @ Lutron): jeremy.sawruk@gmail.com

Hwan Shim (PH.D. '08 SNU, visiting scholar @ CCRMA): hwanshim@ccrma.stanford.edu

Diana Siwiak (MST '08, current Ph.D. @ ASU): dsiwiak@ccrma.stanford.edu

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