Background notes on SL

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Revision as of 11:33, 20 July 2009 by Jieun5 (Talk | contribs)

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From wikipedia:

- "The Second Life Terms of Service ensure that users retain copyright for any content they create"

- on average, 38,000 residents were logged in at any particular moment. The maximum concurrency (number of avatars inworld) recorded is 88,200 in the 1st qtr. 2009

- During a 2001 meeting with investors, Rosedale noticed that the participants were particularly responsive to the collaborative, creative potential of Second Life. As a result, the initial objective driven, gaming focus of Second Life was shifted to a more user created, community driven experience.[11][12]

From experience/ exploration:

- concept of "live music" events: what are the motivations for the performer and for the audience?

- concept of user-driven/-generated environment

Related topics:

- talker: consider a music analogue

- MUDs (multi-user dungeon) -- "Life on the Screen"