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Basic Reference Bibliography in Computer Music

Boulanger, Richard The Csound book : perspectives in software synthesis, sound design, signal processing, and programming. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2000. < Stanford University Libraries (SUL) Music Library MT723 .C77 2000 >

Cook, Perry R 1. Music, cognition, and computerized sound : an introduction to psychoacoustics. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1999. < SUL Music ML3805 .M8814 1999 >

2. Real sound synthesis for interactive applications. Natick, Mass. : AK Peters, c2002. < SUL Music TK7881.4 .C666 2002 >

Manning, Peter Electronic and computer music. New York : Oxford University Press, c2004. < SUL Music ML1380 .M36 2004 >

Reck Miranda, Eduardo Composing music with computers. Oxford ; Boston : Focal Press, 2001. < SUL Music MT56 .M57 2001 >

Roads, Curtis 1. The computer music tutorial. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1996. < SUL Music MT56 .R628 1996 >

2. Representations of musical signals. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1991. < ML74 .R325 1991 >


Compiled by Mauricio Rodriguez - 2008