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220b-winter-2014/final project

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Final Project


Due date

  • (presentation / demo / performance) : Thursday 3/20/2014, 7pm, CCRMA Stage

Part 1: Open-Ended Project

  • as discussed in class, the final project is open-ended
  • work on something computer-mediated, musical, and something you are interested in!

Part 2: Show it / Perform It

  • aim for 3-7 minute per piece (though your fully designed live performance can be longer or shorter)
  • keep in mind setup/transition time
  • final presentations + performances


turn in all files by putting them in your Library/Web/220b/project/ directory, and then linking to them from your Library/Web/220b/final.html - and submitting the link to Ge and Romain

  • 1) source code + sound files for your performance
  • 2) written documentation (and any program notes / bios)
  • 3) your final.html should link to these files
  • 4) a presentation/demo or live performance of the piece