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Final Project: "Computer-Mediated, Audio-visual(-HAI), Composition / Live Performance

You are to craft, compose, and present / perform a "Computer-mediated, Audio-visual Work" The deliverables for the final project include:

  • milestone presentations
  • webpage documenting your system/performance, including video demo
  • the live performance

Due date

  • reading: Artful Design, chapter 8 (responses by midnight, 3/12/2019)
    • prompt: compare and contrast your own approach to making art and interacting with technology to the philosophy laid out in the reading. be specific!
  • milestone 0 (in-class, Monday, 3/4/2019): initial ideas, detailing vision, sound, music, interaction, aesthetics, music technology involved
  • milestone 1 (in-class, Wednesday, 3/6/2019): basic working idea
  • milestone 2 (in-class, Wednesday,, 3/13/2019): minimal essential thing, with the main aesthetic and artistic loop closed!
  • all material (final project portfolio, containing video, description, code, data files, README) due Wednesday 3/20/2019, 11:59:59pm
  • rehearsals: TBD
  • final presentations / performances : Thursday 3/21/2019, noon, CCRMA Stage

Aspect 1: "Computer-Mediated"

  • must take advantage of the computer in a compelling/non-trivial way
  • for example: algorithms! sound synthesis! interactive control! generative systems!

Aspect 2: "Audio-Visual"

  • audio: use/combine techniques we covered in class (synthesis, generative, interaction) or something else; use ChucK
  • visual: interpret this as you'd like;
    • option 1: use Processing or Chunity for real-time graphics/animation, coupled to audio/ChucK via OSC
    • option 2: otherwise involve visuals in a core/non-peripheral way: e.g., design gestures/movement mapped to sound
    • option 3: some conspicuous use of AI or ML (e.g., with a human-in-the-loop; human-centered AI) — (need green light from instructors!)

Aspect 3: Aesthetics of Presentation "Fixed Media or Live Performance"

  • design not only the system (sound, music, interaction, code), but ***design the presentation***, being extremely mindful to have and navigate aesthetics
  • aim for 3-7 minute per piece (though your fully designed presentation / live performance can be longer or shorter)
  • keep in mind setup/transition time


polished documentation on portfolio | upload to canvas

  • 0) portfolio-grade video documentation + description
  • 1) source code + sound files for your performance
  • 2) written documentation (and any program notes / bios)
  • 3) the final live performance / video performance