SLOrk/2016/SLOrktastic rehearsal signup
Use this page to sign up for tech. run-throughs during the day of the 2016 SLOrktastic Chamber Music concert. Include the names of everyone in your group.
May 1
- 12:00 PM - Setup with Tim/Ge/Matt. (Help is most welcome! Free lunch?)
- 1:00 PM - Chryssie/Trijeet
- 1:40 PM - Giuliano/Sanjay
- [Sanjay: I can test Laptop Accordion briefly after my normal rehearsal]
- 2:20 PM - OPEN SLOT
- 3:00 PM - Alison/Arushi/Paul
- 3:40 PM - Jack / Kitty
- 4:20 PM - Ben / Ludwig / Nathan
- 5:00 PM - Ensemble Feedback Networks