User:Francois/Solar Genesis II Project Blog
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This page contains the blog entries associated with the design of the Solar Genesis II Project.
Project blog
April 10
- Demonstration of the WFS system in the Listening room and the Fantasia video in class.
April 12
- First discussion about the piece with Prof. Aquilanti. The other instrument will probably be a cello.
April 16-17
- Meeting and discussion with Jens Ahrens at the Linux Audio Conference
April 19
- For next class:
- Check Risset's pieces,
- Create a test for the WFS in the listening room.
- Idea: conversion of the trajectories in the solar system to Bezier curves for a smoother contour.
April 23
- Tested the MIDI samples salamander (with Qsampler) for the virtual instrument with Nando.
April 25
- Implemented a simple plane wave WFS (16 channels) in ChucK.
- Note: ChucK can't handle 32 channels
April 29
- Started 3D implementation in Processing
April 30
- Started implementation of the WFS in Faust (based on the code of J.O. Smith) to circumveine the limitation of ChucK. Compilation rather as a Jack plugin since a UGen could be limited on a similar way as the tested code last week.
May 1
- Started porting solar system code to C++. It should be more efficient than ChucK, the information would be sent to the other part of the piece via OSC.
May 3
- Discussed with Nando to get better MIDI samples for the computer-generated piano
May 4
- Discussed with Carr to know the status of the Disklavier in the classroom. I'll be checking the system next week to (hopefully) get it to work.
May 5
- Porting of the solar system code in C++ completed.
May 9
- First prototype for 3D vizualization
May 15
- Figured out how to enable OSC support on Faust standalone jack plugins
May 16
- Planar wave WFS jack plugin tested in the Listening Room
- New Chuck beta version fixes the running problem for large number of channels
May 18
- Implementation of observer movement in the system
May 20
- Addition of star background in processing to improve the spatial impression.
May 21
- Test of the point source WFS Faust plugin in the Listening Room was unsuccessful. The spatial impression was very disappointing. Reasons for this phenomenon unknown so far.