/  Utilities




Additional Utiilities


inherits : Object

A ChucK documentation generator. Based on Spencer Salazar's ckdoc utility.



Default constructor for CKDoc.

member functions

void addGroup(Type[] types, string name, string shortName, string description)

Add a group of types to be documented, including group 'name', a 'shortName' to be used for any files, and a group 'description'.

void addGroup(string[] typeNames, string name, string shortName, string description)

Add a group of types (by type name) to be documented, including group 'name', a 'shortName' to be used for any files, and a group 'description'.

void addGroupExternal(string name, string URL, string description, string longDesc)

Add a group documention at an external URL location.

void clear()

Clear all added groups.

string examplesRoot(string path)

Set the examples directory root path; returns what was set.

string examplesRoot()

Get the current examples directory root path.

string genCSS()

Generate CSS; return as string.

void genGroups(string[] results)

Generate documentation for all added groups, return each in a separate entry.

string genIndex(string indexTitle)

Generate top-level index; return as string.

string genType(Type type)

Generate documentation for a single Type.

string genType(string typeName)

Generate documentation for a single Type (by name).

int numGroups()

Get the number of groups added.

int outputFormat(int which)

Set which output format to use; see CKDoc.HTML, CKDoc.TEXT, CKDoc.MARKDOWN, CKDoc.JSON.

int outputFormat()

Set which output format is selected; see CKDoc.HTML, CKDoc.TEXT, CKDoc.MARKDOWN, CKDoc.JSON.

int outputToDir(string path, string indexTitle)

Generate everything as files into the output directory.

static member variables

int HTML

Output HTML format.

int JSON

Output JSON format (not implemented).


Output MARKDOWN format (not implemented).

int NONE

No output format.

int TEXT

Output TEXT format (not implemented).


inherits : Object

Break a string into tokens. This uses whitespace as the delimiter.




Default constructor for StringTokenizer.

member functions

string get(int index)

Return the i-th token in the set string.

string get(int index, string out)

Return the i-th token in the set string. Additionally, write the token string to the `out` string variable.

int more()

Return true (1) if there are still more tokens, false (0) if no more tokens.

string next()

Return the next token string.

string next(string out)

Return the next token string. Additionally, write the token string to the 'out' string variable.

void reset()

Reset token iteration back to the beginning of the set string.

void set(string line)

Set the string to be tokenized.

int size()

Returns the number of token strings that the set string can be broken into.


inherits : Event : Object

(Terminal only) a utility for prompting user input on the command line.




Default constructor for ConsoleInput.

member functions

int can_wait()

(internal) used by virtual machine for synthronization.

string getLine()

Return the next line of input as a string.

int more()

Return whether there is more input to read.

Event prompt()

Return an Event to wait on.

Event prompt(string what)

Print a prompt text and return an Event to wait on.