Jacktrip on OS X
This page describes how to set up Jacktrip on your Mac OS X machine for network performances.
System Setup
Get and Install Jack
Find out about what Jack is here [1]. It is essentially an application for connecting your sound card to 'Jack aware' audio programs like 'Jacktrip' with very low latency. Download it here http://www.jackosx.com. Unzip the download and install by clicking the Mac OS X installer package. Unless you know otherwise, just accept all the defaults for the install. You will be required to reboot your computer after the install.
, the Jack application, will be installed here:
Jack itself doesn't have a graphical user interface, so it can only be used from the command line. But, see Qjackctl below for an essential GUI. JackOSX comes with a GUI called JackPilot. Best to use Qjackctl instead.
Get and Install Qjackctl
Qjackctl is a front end GUI for Jack (jackd
). It allows you to configure Jack parameters like sampling rate, buffer size, and to select an audio device. It also provides a means to start and stop Jack, monitor its status, and make connections between applications (like Jacktrip) and audio devices. A binary can be found here: [2]. Click on Qjackctl to download. Install the Qjackctl by dragging the icon into the Applications folder.
Get and Install Jacktrip
You can find Jacktrip's homepage with documentation here: [3]. Download the latest binary here: [4] by clicking on:
jacktrip-<latest version>-osx.zip
Jacktrip is a simple unix binary which needs to be installed from the Terminal.app program. The instructions can be found in the "INSTALL.txt" file, which comes with Jacktrip. They are quoted here (bin/
in the line "go to bin/
" refers to the "bin
" directory in the downloaded and unzipped file tree):
To install (using Terminal): go to bin/ directory and type: sudo cp jacktrip /usr/bin/ (enter your password when prompted) sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/jacktrip (now you can run jacktrip from any directory using Terminal)
Using Jacktrip
Much of the below information is taken from the Jacktrip documentation page [5] under the heading: Using JackTrip.