This instrument uses a virtual bouncing ball and a physical accelerometer-based control to control sounds.
Installation & Set up
- Setting up the iPod Touch:
- in ipod Settings, select the correct network, e.g. SlorkNet
- launch TouchOSC on the ipod
- in TouchOSC settings set host to the IP address or name of your laptop
- note the IP address of the iPod touch.
- Setting up the chuck patch (for players):
- open
- on line 14 set player_number to which player you are: eg 0 for player1, 1 for player2, ..., 3 for player 4.
- on lines 18-22 set the IP addresses or machine names for all four players and the conductor.
- on line 25 set the IP address of your iPod Touch.
Running (for players)
- Start the max patch...
- Start the chuck patch...
- Make sure they are all talking...
Running (for the conductor)
- Start the max patch...
- Start the chuck patch...
- Make sure they are all talking...
How to play (using the ipod touch)
- For the conductor: how to select and serve a ball...
- How to bounce a ball...
- How to pass a ball
How to play (using the keyboard)
- For the conductor: how to select and serve a ball...
- How to bounce a ball...
- How to pass a ball
The game
- How to start the game...
- The rules...
- How the game ends...