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This instrument uses a virtual bouncing ball and a physical accelerometer-based control to control sounds.


Installation & Set up

  • Setting up the iPod Touch:
    1. in iPod main settings, select the correct network, e.g. SlorkNet
    2. launch TouchOSC on the iPod
    3. in TouchOSC settings, set host to the IP address or name of your laptop, e.g. flavorblasted.local
    4. note the IP address of the iPod Touch.
  • Setting up the chuck patch (for players):
    1. open chuckball-catch.ck
    2. on line 14 set player_number to which player you are (eg 0 for player 1, 1 for player 2, ..., 3 for player 4.)
    3. on lines 18-22 set the IP addresses or machine names for all four players and the conductor.
    4. on line 25 set the IP address of your iPod Touch.
  • Setting up the chuck patch (for the conductor):
    1. open conductor-sender.ck
    2. on lines 9-12 set the IP addresses or machine names for the four players.
    3. on line 21 set the IP address of your iPod Touch.

Running (for players)

  1. Start TouchOSC: on the iPod launch TouchOSC and enter the first screen in the "Simple" layout.
  2. Start the max patch: launch chuckball-catch-max
  3. Start the chuck patch: start the shred for chuckball-catch.ck
  4. Make sure they are all talking: You should see accelerometer data appearing in the max patch, and bounce and throw gestures should be recognized. The four buttons at the bottom should act as a selector, i.e. selecting one should deselect the others.

Running (for the conductor)

  1. Start TouchOSC: on the iPod launch TouchOSC and enter the second screen in the "Simple" layout.
  2. Start the max patch: launch conductor-sender-max
  3. Start the chuck patch: start the shred for conductor-sender.ck
  4. Make sure they are all talking: You should see accelerometer data appearing in the max patch, and throw gestures should be recognized. The four buttons at the bottom should act as a selector, i.e. selecting one should deselect the others.

How to play (using the iPod Touch)

  • How to select and serve a ball (for the conductor): Use the second screen, which is a 4x4 layout of push buttons and 4 toggle buttons at the bottom. The bottom four buttons of the 4x4 grid select the ball type. The bottom four buttons on the screen select which player to throw to. A flicking gesture with the iPod sideways throws the ball.
  • How to bounce a ball: hold the iPod horizontal with the screen up and flick the iPod up.
  • How to pass a ball: select which player to throw the ball to with the bottom four buttons on the screen. Then flick the iPod while holding it sideways.
  • more details about bouncing: the max patch detects when the iPod pitch angle has gone above ~10 degrees. When the pitch has gone past about 30 degrees the ball is thrown. The time between these two events is used to calculate the velocity of the bounce. You must return the pitch to below 10 degrees to make another bounce. Little yellow buttons on the max patch help you see these events. You can only hit a ball when it is near the apex or falling. You cannot hit it on the way up.

How to play (using the keyboard)

  • For the conductor: how to select and serve a ball...
  • How to bounce a ball...
  • How to pass a ball

The game

  • How to start the game...
  • The rules...
  • How the game ends...