Assignment #1: Single Hemi Instrument + Sound Sketch
This assignment asks you to work with the quintessential laptop orchestra building block: laptop + a single hemispherical speaker array, and create a short sound sketch for it!
Due dates:
- milestone 2012.4.11, Wednesday (show us progress on your instrument!)
- due 2012.4.18, Wednesday (demo the instrument + a short sound sketch/musical statement with it)
- create an instrument for a single hemi using ChucK
- should take advantage of the multi-channel aspect
- consider issues of playability, expressiveness, sound, and also use in an ensemble setting
- craft a very short piece for your instrument, describe/score it, be prepared to demo it
- each person should turn in their own instrument - however, working together is highly encouraged!
Deliverables for Milestone
- 1) at least a bit of progress on both parts (some combination of ideas, source code, any scores, audio files, etc.)
- 2) be prepared to talk about
- your progress so far
- any difficulties you are encountering in the process
- plans for next week
- any outstanding code/design/sound issues?
Overall Deliverables
turn in all files by demo'ing
- 1) show us how your instrument sounds, works, etc.
- 2) perform/demo your sound sketch/short musical statement (~1-2 minutes in length)
- Have fun with it!!!