Overview: SLOrktastic: iterate and finalize
This assignment asks you to iterate the design of your group's piece and finalize it for the SLOrktastic Chamber Music concert.
- Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of your initial prototype
- Iterate on the design, reinforcing strengths and revising weaknesses
- Finalize the piece, rehearsing many times so that your group feels comfortable performing the piece in a public concert setting
- Aim for roughly 10 +/- 2 minutes in duration. Your piece can be organized into multiple sections or movements
Title & Program Notes (due April 30)
- Please submit the title and program notes (about 1-2 paragraph in text)
- Email (one per group) to the teaching staff {jieun5, spencer, kwerner} @ ccrma
- Please include "SLOrk Assignment 4" in the email subject and names of group members in the email body
Due date: April 30 (Tue) 23:59
In-class Performance (due May 1)
- Each group will be given 30 minutes (to perform the piece twice, with feedback in-between).
Due date: May 1 (Wed)