Overview: Spring Concert: initial prototype
This assignment asks you to brainstorm, design, and implement an initial prototype for the Spring Concert.
Objective: To compose a piece by designing and implementing instrument(s) for the whole SLOrk ensemble, fully leveraging the potential of the laptop as a meta-instrument.
- Form a group of 2-3 people. You'll be working with your group for this assignment, and until the rest of the quarter. :) Email the class mailing list (slork@ccrma) ASAP if you're looking for team member(s).
- Brainstorm and create a piece/ prototype for a full ensemble of 10-12 SLOrk stations.
- In addition to playability and expressiveness, determine how you will achieve musical communication to the ensemble members (e.g. through networking, conducting, and/or visualization).
- Remember that your group is responsible not only for designing a composition and implementing instruments for it, but also for teaching/ leading the class on how to use the instruments and understand the piece. We recommend that you keep the piece setup, interface design, and performance instructions as straight-forward as possible.
- Aim for (eventually) about 12 +/- 5 minutes in duration. Your piece could be divided into multiple movements or sections.
We ask that you use the listening room (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/rooms/day.php) to work on your piece.
SVN (due May 14)
- create a folder for your group under 2013 groups; add necessary code under the folder and commit.
- get help early if you do not understand how to use svn.
Due date: May 14 (Tue) 23:59
Written Proposal (due May 14)
- Write a group proposal/ plan for the Spring Concert:
- Describe the piece you hope to perform in terms of its high-level compositional trajectory, musical elements/ themes, sound designs, and interaction designs.
- Summarize the role and responsibility of each member in your group
- Include any challenges your group is currently facing, in terms of musical planning or technical feasibility
- Your proposal should be about 1-2 pages in length (PDF or DOC)
- Email (one proposal per group) to the teaching staff {jieun5, spencer, kwerner} @ ccrma
- Please include "SLOrk Assignment 6" in the email subject and names of group members in the email body.
Due date: May 14 (Tue) 23:59
In-class Performance (due May 15)
- Each group will be given 20 minutes (including setup, instruction, performance, and feedback) to demonstrate the prototype. (The faster you can setup, the more time you'll have for rehearsal and feedback!)
- You must teach and involve the rest of the class in a performance, though you are not expected to get through the entire piece.
Due date: May 15 (Wed)