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Overview: SLOrktastic: program notes & final writeup

This last assignment asks you to (1) finalize your piece, (2) submit program notes, and (3) complete a final writeup.

Important: note that this assignment is due on Monday, June 3 (with a later deadline of Saturday, June 8 for the final writeup only).

Finalize piece (due June 3)

  • Finalize your group's piece for the June 4,5 dress rehearsals and Spring Concert.
  • Commit the final version in svn.

Due date: June 3 (Mon) 23:59

Title & Program Notes (due June 3)

  • Submit the title and program notes (about 1-2 paragraph in text). If there are subsections or movements, include their names as well.
  • Include names of the individuals in your group as you'd like to appear in the program.
  • Email (one per group) to the teaching staff {jieun5, spencer, kwerner} @ ccrma
  • Include "SLOrk Assignment 9 Program Notes" in the email subject

Due date: June 3 (Mon) 23:59

Final Writeup (due June 8)

  • Your final writeup should be about 2-3 pages in length, in PDF or DOC format
  • Email your writeup to all of the teaching staff {jieun5, spencer, kwerner} @ ccrma
  • Include "SLOrk Assignment 9 Final Writeup" in the email subject
  • The final writeup, to be completed individually, should address the following 3 parts:

Part 1: evaluation of your group's piece

  • Describe what you experienced and learned from designing a full-ensemble piece, including challenges you encountered.
  • If you'd like, acknowledge any individual in your group that you think went above and beyond in preparing for the concert.

Part 2: evaluation of the concert

  • Critically reflect on the final concert -- evaluate your group's piece as well as the concert as a whole.

Part 3: evaluation of the class

Please take your time to complete the official course evaluation (when it becomes available), as it serves as a valuable resource for the teaching staff. But to supplement this, provide your thoughts to the following questions:

  • How has your impression of a "laptop orchestra" changed since the beginning of the quarter?
  • In what areas (musical, technical, interface design, etc.) did you find yourself learning the most through this course?
  • Feel free to make additional comments on your overall course experience.

Due date: June 8 (Sat) 23:59