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Project #2 (Group): Craft Piece for SLOrktastic Chamber Music

Due dates:

  • milestone A 2014.4.23 in class: work-in-progress: 3-4 minute not-necessarily-polished group performance
  • milestone B 2014.4.30 in class: finished piece / performance
  • public performance 2014.5.1 concert 8pm (plus rehearsals throughout the day) | event website

In this project, form a group, craft a original composition/performance, perform it!


  • form a group of 1 to 3 people!
  • as a group, craft a composition and performance for the May 1st SLOrktastic Chamber Music concert
  • perform solo, or as duo / trio; feel free to use additional stations (up to 6) and/or recruit additional performers outside your group
  • can use/extend your/other's instruments from assignment #1
  • instruments/pieces must use the slork laptops and speakers (any exceptions should be approved by the instructors)
  • consider instrument interaction, aesthetics of performance, spatialization
  • pieces should be roughly 3-7 minutes in length
  • feel free to use any combination of keyboard, mouse/trackpad, joystick, gametrak, and any other input device
