Final Project: System for Computer-Mediated Live Performance
Due date
- part 1: (instrument + files + documentation) : Tuesday 3/16, 11:59:59pm
- part 2: (presentation / demo / performance) : Thursday 3/18, 7pm, CCRMA Stage (with rehearsal on Thursday 3/18, starting at noon)
- you can still go "maverick" (i.e., solo)
- you have the option of officially working in a duo
Part 1: Create a Live Performance
- theme: "Computational Music Universe"
- create a computer-mediated live performance, using any combination of the tools we've covered in 220a/b
- in your design of the system / piece / performance, pay attention to the following questions:
- what is the difference between a live computer music performance vs. non-live media? (what does it mean to perform live with a computer?)
- what is to be the musical instrument here?
- how to musically engage the performer(s)?
- how to expressively engage the audience?
- at what levels (of expression, abstraction, representation) does the performance interact with the computer?
- what is the computer:human involvement ratio?
- sonic/visual/performative aesthetic?
- how much, if any, improvisation? score?
- deliverables:
- all code, sound files, instructions
- create documentation for your performance: program notes (if any)
Part 2: Show it / Perform It
- aim for 3-7 minute per piece (though your fully designed live performance can be longer)
- keep in mind setup/transition time
- final presentations + performances
A Few Examples as Starting Points
(experiment! definitely not limited to these)
- live coding
- laptop as physical instrument (see http://smelt.cs.princeton.edu/)
- commodity and/or custom computer music controllers
- live processing/sampling (computer + other instrument, e.g., voice, flute, saxophone, bass guitar, tuba, paper, etc.)
- sound + image/graphics/video (what is the interaction thereof?)
turn in all files by putting them in your Library/Web/220b/hw4/ directory, and then linking to them from your Library/Web/220b/hw4.html - and submitting the link to Ge and Rob
- 1) all source code + sound files for your performance
- 2) written documentation (and any program notes / bios)
- 3) your hw4.html should link to these files
- 4) a presentation/demo or live performance of the piece