Final Project Presentation Rehearsal Schedule
Location: CCRMA Stage, 3rd floor, The Knoll
Date/Time: Monday, March 19, 10am-3pm
Time Slots
Please indicate your name, number of audio channels, whether or not you need video, and any other technical needs.
- 9:00 - (name, number of channels, video/no video)
- 9:20 - (name, number of channels, video/no video)
- 9:40 - (Cecilia, 2 or 8, video/no video(not sure yet))
- 10:00 - Alex, 2, video
- 10:20 - Sarah, 4 , no video, mic input.
- 10:40 - Kevin, 2, video
- 10:00 - Danny, 2, video
- 10:20 - Kurt, 2 ch, video
- 10:40 - Francois, 8, video, DK
- 11:00 - Micah, 2, video, an outlet to plug my amp into.
- 11:20 - Jennifer, 2, video (an old MacBook, so I will need to borrow the thing that connects it to the projector)
- 11:40 - Lydia, 2, video
- 12:00 - JP, 2, No video
- 12:20 - Jeff, 2, no video, mic for input
- 12:40 - Evan, 2, possibly video
- 1:00 - Chris, Listening Room, no video
- 1:20 - Jiffer, 2-chan, no vid
- 1:40 - Eri, 2, no vid, mic
- 2:00 - (Colin Sullivan, 2, no video), Max Praglin (2, no video)
- 2:20 - Alex Stabile, 2, video
- 2:40 - Timothy Wong, 2, video