220b-winter-2013/final project
Final Project
Due date
- (presentation / demo / performance) : Tuesday 3/12, 10-12:00am CCRMA Stage
- Setup will begin at 8:30 so please come early!
- Breakfast will be provided so invite your friends!!!
Part 1: Open-Ended Project
- as discussed in class, the final project is open-ended
- work on something your interested in and have fun!
Part 2: Show it / Perform It
- aim for 5-10 minute per piece (though your fully designed live performance can be longer)
- keep in mind setup/transition time
- final presentations + performances
Part 3: Critique (due Tuesday, 3/19)
- after the final presentations, choose two of your classmates' projects
- write a one page critique of each illustrating strengths and weaknesses
- Various resources on critique writing:
- Links to final project pages
turn in all files by putting them in your Library/Web/220b/project/ directory, and then linking to them from your Library/Web/220b/final.html - and submitting the link to Takako, Rob, and Spencer
- 1) source code + sound files for your performance
- 2) written documentation (and any program notes)
- 3) your final.html should link to these files
- 4) a presentation/demo or live performance of the piece
And, to be submitted separately via email to Takako, Rob, and Spencer:
- 5) a critique of two of the performances/demos