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Homework #0: Computational (An)aesthetics

Due date: 2013.1.17 11:59:59pm (or thereabout), Thursday.

Specification: ChucKu's

  • construct two chucku's, according to the following specifications:
    • like a haiku, a chucku should contain exactly 3 lines of code (each less than 80 characters)
    • each chucku should generate sound
    • 5/7/5 pattern optional, but try to make the code "pretty"
    • check out one line chuck crazy to see similarly compact examples
    • the chucku's should be standalone (i.e., no external audio or chuck files)
    • (thanks to Chris + kijjaz for the idea)


  • Have fun with it!!!


turn in all files by putting them in your Library/Web/220b/hw0/ directory AND email Rob, Takako, and Spencer with ONLY the website URL

  • 1) your responses to the reading, as .ck or .txt or .jpg files
  • 2) a separate .ck file for each chucku
  • 3) an audio recording of one or more of the programs (hw0.wav) -
  • 4) a short README text (readme.txt) file that:
    • conveys your ideas/comments in constructing each program
    • contains instructions on running your programs
    • describes any difficulties you encountered in the process

UPDATE: do not worry about submitting to the homework factory for this assignment: just have the files in the right places.