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From CCRMA Wiki

Project X

Idea / Premise

  • the big idea
  • the vision


  • why do it?

The Thing (What is it)

  • what is the final product?
  • for this final project, it should be more of a project (more than a tech-demo)
    • what is the interface?
    • what is the user experience like?
    • what is the aesthetic of the software?


  • user experience design
    • interface?
    • real-time interaction?
    • graphical / textual, both?
    • networked?
  • software design / architecture


  • how/who will test it?
  • what is the measure of goodness?


  • who is the on team?
  • for teams of 2 or more, who will work on what?


  • DATE 1:
  • DATE 2:
  • DATE 3:
  • (remember these should be more from the product point of view, as in "what does the product support" at this point; thinking about minimal essential systems)