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Homework #1: Reading Response + Design Etude + ChucK Exercise

  • due date: Tuesday (10/01) 11:59pm

Part 1: Reading Response

  • Reading response to Artful Design Prelude + Chapter 1

Part 2: Design Etude

  • Design Etude #1 (see online PDF OR AD Chapter 1 pg. 54)
  • Make sure to do all three parts of the etude (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).
  • Think as broadly as possible about your examples of "artful design"! they can be objects, but also experiences, organizations, policies, interactions...anything you would consider to be designed!

Part 3: Programming

  • Create a ChucK program that makes sound!
  • link this from your reading response webpage.

Part 4: Creating your 256a/476a CCRMA webpage


  • upload to Canvas:
    • the URL to your reading response + design etude
    • a PDF file of your response + design etude
    • your ChucK file(s)
  • come prepared to present and discuss your work in class