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CCRMA Stage Guidelines

From CCRMA Wiki

The following guidelines are intended to keep the CCRMA facilities functioning at an optimal level for all users. Please read this guide fully before making a request to use the Stage, this will facilitate your experience in organizing a successful event.

CCRMA resources including the Stage are dedicated to music making, composition, performance, research and education, and are to be used according to Stanford policies. The Stage may not be used for unsanctioned personal or private purposes. AUGUST 2015 USER GUIDES AND INSTRUCTIONS: CCRMA STAGE GUIDES

Access is limited to faculty, students and guests of the department with prior reservation.

Student/Guest Concert Production

Here is a chronological ordering of steps you should take to prepare for a performance:

  1. All concerts must be requested at least 2 weeks in advance of first rehearsal. This gives us reasonable time to secure the room, and secure a tech person for the event and rehearsal time. Many concerts and events need to have a CCRMA tech person in attendance.
  2. Go to: http://musiccal.stanford.edu/
  3. Enter your SuNet ID and password
  4. Click "Make a Request"
  5. Enter ALL pertinent info (this information goes directly to the Music Department staff since CCRMA concerts are also Music Department concerts)
  6. Go to http://cm-wiki.stanford.edu/wiki/CCRMA_Stage_Guidelines
  7. Download, print and complete CCRMA Booking form. This form can also be found at the CCRMA Mailbox bins. Some information is duplicate from the music calendar booking form, but the information on this form goes directly to CCRMA Staff.
  8. Submit to Sasha Leitman or her mailbox.
  9. After Steps 2 & 3 have been reviewed you will receive notification of either approval or denial of request.
  10. If approved a tech person will be assigned to your event.
  11. Please read the CCRMA Stage Guidelines found at: http://cm-wiki.stanford.edu/wiki/CCRMA_Stage_Guidelines
  12. You are responsible for all clean up related to your event, including cables and any food you provide.

Additionally, it is possible to record your lab session or performance with prior notification.

Description of the Facility

The Stage is CCRMA’s 100-seat modular concert space (25' x 55'). It is equipped with 8 high-quality loudspeakers and a digital mixing console for sound manipulation, two computers (Mac Mini and Linux), a DVD/CD player and an LCD projector for multi-media presentations. A Yamaha Disklavier (DC7 Pro) piano is also available along with a performance lighting system. The room is acoustically treated, with acoustically sealed windows and doors, and adjustable acoustic window coverings.

Security is a prime concern due to expensive equipment located in the Stage. Security depends on the doors remaining locked at all times: access is handled by electronic sensors at the doors that can be activated by Stanford ID cards that have been entered into the CCRMA security system or by a temporary access card we can provide. Front and rear doors are acoustically sealed and should not be propped open with doorstop wedges underneath the door as this will damage the seals. Doors must be left closed and locked after regular weekday business hours. This is the user's responsibility. The exterior doors of the building will be opened by staff during the event's hours.

The lighting and sound systems are complicated and will require a staff member who is familiar with the CCRMA equipment to set up. Arrangements should be made with CCRMA staff well ahead of any event to be sure the technical requirements can be handled. Direct audio and video connections from laptop computers are possible as well as DVD and multi-channel music playback from the CCRMA computers. Some configurations require significant setup, so advance notice of the technical requirements is absolutely necessary.

The sound system features a Yamaha DM-1000 mixer which feeds 4 ADAM S3a and 4 ADAM P33 loudspeakers. Six microphones and stands are available along with six music stands. Mics are kept locked and can be obtained from staff and cables are stored in the adjacent Conference Room closet. 8-tracks of digital audio output are available from the Linux computer system and the Mac Mini can connect through any multi-channel external sound card or through its built-in stereo output. Stereo CD-R recordings for archival use are available from a system consisting of a pair of overhead Sennheiser MKH20 microphones connected to an Aphex preamp and Tascam CD recorder. The DVD player sends only a stereo output to the mixer but down-samples the 5.1 output to stereo internally. Several spotlights are controlled from a DMX light board but require manual configuration by CCRMA staff. Please do not alter any wiring without assistance from CCRMA staff.

A tuning of the piano can be arranged prior to the performance by specific request at the renter/user's expense.

Booking the Stage can also include the reservation of a “green room” studio behind the stage with a private restroom for performers.

The 100 chairs in the room can be set in different formations according to the events' needs.

Organizing Your Event

Scheduling the Stage Book the Stage online at: http://musiccal.stanford.edu

Login requires your STANFORD ID AND PASSWORD. Booking the Stage is handled through the Music Department online reservation system but requires an additional sign-off by CCRMA staff for non-departmental events. Every effort will be made to accommodate all users, but in case of scheduling conflicts, priorities will be given first to CCRMA / Composition related work including Degree-in-Progress students and then to other approved guests.

Procedure for a Session

After you first arrive:

  1. Report by email to sleitman@ccrma.stanford.edu, if the room was left in less than perfect condition. (ie. All cables should be put away, there should no trash lying about, chairs should be neatly stacked to the sides of the room, no microphones left out or other equipment, the piano should be covered, etc.)
  2. Report any problems with the equipment by email to jay@ccrma.stanford.edu and sleitman@ccrma.stanford.edu.
  3. Manuals for the equipment are kept under the mixing board and should not be removed from Stage at anytime.

When you leave, leave the room in good order:

  1. Put everything away, including all cables.
  2. Make sure you are logged out of the computers.
  3. The piano lid should be closed and the piano should be covered.
  4. Switch off spotlights, incandescent lights and leave fluorescents on.
  5. The room should be cleaner than when you found it.
  6. The doors must be left closed and locked.

Users are responsible for the equipment. If studio equipment is damaged through misuse or carelessness, you will be billed for its replacement. Smoking, eating or drinking other than water, are not allowed.

The equipment in each room is configured to allow for flexible interconnections. Please do not move or disconnect any cables or equipment. Only faculty and staff are to disconnect or reconfigure any cabling, or physically move any piece of equipment

Hardware and Software Setups

System hardware: if you need to move or rearrange any system hardware during your scheduled time, ask for assistance to a staff member. Allow time during your session for setup and for putting back everything as it was.

If you need software installed for specialized work, contact nando@ccrma.stanford.edu and carrlane@ccrma.stanford.edu.

System configurations: Do not alter various system settings and configurations. The use of certain software may require changes. Should these be changed during a lab session they should be set to their normal settings at the end of the session. If you are unsure of what the normal settings are for a given machine see the appropriate staff or faculty.

Stage's equipment and manuals should not be removed from the room at any time.

Key Card Reader System

A key card system allows all faculty, staff, students and guests 24 hour access to the CCRMA facilities including the Stage.

CCRMA faculty maintains exclusive authority to grant or revoke card access as well as temporary restrict access to limit an individual's access to the rooms or a combination of rooms.

Since the Access System records all card activity 24 hours a day, make sure you do not lend your card to anyone else since this could cause the card owner to be held responsible for the room and its contents. You will be held accountable for access granted with your card. If you are approached for access to the room from someone without a CCRMA ID, please contact sleitman@ccrma.stanford.edu.

Backing Up

Always remember to save your work and your mixer patches on the standard compact flash card for the digital mixer. Properly name and lock your patch.

Bringing Outside Equipment Into Stage

Users are welcome to bring their own gear into the room for use on their own projects.

Please disconnect and remove your equipment from the room after use.

CCRMA is not responsible for instruments or equipment left unattended in the room. We cannot store equipment and the Stage is not a storage area.

Borrowing Stage Equipment

All stage equipment is not to be moved without prior permission from CCRMA Staff or Faculty.

  1. Obtain permission from appropriate CCRMA faculty or staff for the use of equipment.
  2. Check schedule to determine who will be using the room during the times the equipment in question will be removed.
  3. Notify all affected users of your intention to borrow the equipment.
  4. Take care that the appropriate equipment is not damaged or stolen during the time it is out of the studio. You will be held responsible.
  5. Once the equipment has been returned and reinstalled test it to be sure it is functioning properly. Alert all users that the equipment has been returned

CCRMA Stage Contacts

Contacts at CCRMA include:

  • Music Department Online Booking System: http://musiccal.stanford.edu/
  • Tricia Schroeter (booking): tricia@ccrma.stanford.ed
  • Hiroko Teresawa (booking): hiroko@ccrma.stanford.edu
  • Jay Kadis (audio): jay@ccrma.stanford.edu
  • Fernando Lopez-Lezcano (computers): nando@ccrma.stanford.edu
  • Carr Wilkerson (computers): carrlane@ccrma.stanford.edu
  • Sasha Leitman (gear): sleitman@ccrma.stanford.edu

RECORDINGS: Contact Jay for all recordings.