Software checklist for the CCRMA linux machines (what's desired for Fedora 30 rollout)
- libreoffice
- evolution (email client)
- thunderbird (email client)
- firefox
- gedit
- (all the usual dev tools via dnf)
- "Development Tools"
- "C Development Tools and Libraries"
- iperf2 (rpm: iperf)
- iperf3
- qt5-devel
- qtcreator
- meld
- jack-audio-connection-kit-devel
- alsa-lib-devel
- ghostwriter
- stk-devel (latest from src)
- Python, numpy, scipy, sklearn, pip..., librosa
- Jupyter Notebook
- Sublime Text
- Juce
- Audio Applications (jack-aware via dnf)
- audacity
- ardour5
- vlc [+ non-free codecs?] (latest from src)
- snd [motif] (latest from src)
- sonic visualiser
- chuck (latest from src)
- miniaudicle (latest from src)
- faust (latest from src)
- ssr (latest from src)
- jacktrip (latest from src)
- jmess (latest from src)
- (from dnf or src?) pd
- (from dnf or src?) supercollider
- (misc via dnf)
- ffmpeg
- openshot
- gimp
- inkscape
- gnuplot
- octave (with GUI)
- chromium
- zoom (user installed from project site)
- processing (user installed from project site)
- TensorFlow
- Pytorch
- Keras
- Pandoc
- RStudio
- lyx
- lilypond