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Spatial Sound Workshop GAFFTA 2010

From CCRMA Wiki

This 4 day workshop will use the SuperCollider programming language to demonstrate spatializing audio with a practical emphasis on Ambisonics. There will be a survey of spatialization techniques and technologies including: Ambisonics, Amplitude panning, VBAP, Reverberation, Wave Field Synthesis, and HRTF. Hands on lab sessions in SuperCollider will include: installing and configuring SC, SC basics: making and controlling sound, connecting controllers, panning, encoding and decoding in Ambisonics. We’ll end with a listening session of workshop student projects. The workshop space itself will be set up with multi-channel sound.

This workshop is for musicians, composers, researchers, sound artists, and programmers who would like to gain a greater understanding of modern spatial techniques implemented in a state of the art music programming environment. While experience with SuperCollider is a huge advantage, we’ll start with installation and go from there, albeit quickly. Participants should have at least some familiarity with programming.


Day 1
- Course overview
- Auditory Cues (listening to examples)
- Overview of spatialization techniques: Panning & VBAP, Ambisonics, WFS, HRTF and others
- Other approaches: Orchestra of speakers, space in installations
- Introduction to SuperCollider

Day 2
- Ambisonics (history, simple ambisonics, encoders and decoders)
- SuperCollider examples (ugens useful for spatialization)
- Higher order ambisonics
- Musical examples
- Moving sources in space

Day 3
- Recording and Microphone arrangements
- Musical examples (soundscape pieces)
- Reverberation & Virtual Spaces
- Using network connections to share remote sonic spaces

Day 4 - Extra Lab Time for student projects
- Student Project presentations
- More musical examples (complete landmark pieces)


Please help us by installing and testing SuperCollider in your computer before the workshop starts.

You can download SuperCollider from:

And you can get started with help from:

We will of course try to help troubleshooting your install if it does not work, but it it would be immensely helpful if you have a working setup when the workshop starts.