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Gear Closet

CCRMA’s Gear Closet (213) contains equipment for CCRMA researchers to borrow for short-term projects (typically less than two weeks except by special arrangement with staff), including:

Each item should be packaged in an appropriate carrying case along with whatever connector cables, adapters, power supply, etc., might be needed along with the item.

CCRMA’s Gear Closet on 9/22/23, just after all the items went onto the new shelves. Afternoon back-lighting shows that there is a window behind the shelves.

Location naming system

The top shelf is “A”, then the next down is “B”, etc., down to “F” just above floor level. Metal dividers and bins define the locations within a shelf, numbered from left to right, e.g., D1, D2…

“LEFT” and “RIGHT” refer to items stored beside the shelving unit, either resting on the floor or hanging by a hook (that is magnetically attached to the shelves).

Some lendable items are stored outside the Gear Closet (e.g., in 101, the Studio D closet, Seminar Room closet, etc.) but are still part of the online checkout system.

How to borrow

Use the online checkout system to browse inventory, see what’s currently available, and to submit the form each time you borrow and return any item.

If your keycard doesn’t open the closet, get help from CCRMA staff or perhaps a grad student.

Alternatives for borrowing equipment on campus

The Lathrop Learning Hub allows enrolled students to borrow equipment including almost all of the above types of items, plus some laptops and iPads.

The ASSU and Office of Student Productions The Equipment Lending Library in the Old Union basement also lends many of the same kinds of items, plus some larger PA speakers, on a strict Thursday-to-Monday schedule.

Stanford Event Services rents sound, projection, lighting, and other equipment for Stanford events.

The Roble Arts Gym doesn’t lend equipment, but you can reserve their “Music Room” (including a booth) to record.

This page of CCRMA documentation last committed on Mon Sep 25 15:48:40 2023 -0700 by Matthew James Wright. Stanford has a page for Digital Accessibility.